An email exchange with Joan Duncan Customer Services Manager, Tesco. The lengthy emails have been considerably abbreviated.
17/9 Me to Tesco: I've just signed a Pledge not to buy settlement goods.
21/9 Tesco to me: "..we clearly label the origin of our products..."
21/9 Me: "I've checked the dates and figs .... no country of origin was mentioned."
22/9 Tesco: "some products from fresh fruit and vegetables do not always have the origin label on them individually."
27/9 Me: "I wasn't writing about your fresh produce but the dried fruit. There are:
i. packets of "deglet nour" dates with no country of origin;
ii. dried fruit labelled "Produce of more than one country."
iii. figs marked "Packed in France".
How does this square with your earlier statement that "we clearly label the origin of our produce"?
22/9 Tesco: I have recorded your views and will pass them on.
22/9 Me: It is not my "view" that your "deglet nour" dates do not post a country of origin - it is a fact.."
23/9 Tesco: With regards to the deglet nour dates, the country of origin is stated on the inside label which I agree is not very good for our customers..."
27/9 Me: What is the country of origin?
27/9 Tesco: Tunisia or Algeria.
9/10 Me: I visited your Old Kent Road Store. There are:
Dried Mango Packet in UK for Tesco
Dried Pineapple Packed for Tesco Stores Ltd
Dried Apricots Packed in France
Dried Fruit Mix Produce of more than one country
Soft Prunes Packed in France
Is there not something of a conflict between what you say your policy is about labelling and the reality?
10/10 Tesco: I have passed your email down to our labelling department ... I'm sure that they will make any adjustment they feel necessary ....